Saturday 12 September 2009

Spoooooky (in a good way)

Get this for spooky!

I was on the tube - off to meet friends for burger/movie fun - when the man that sat next to me was wearing one of my badges. As in, this gentleman who I did not know was had a badge I had designed ON HIS BAG! And he was sitting next to me. In a city of millions.


If you're reading this Mister Badge then thanks for making my day. I will make more badges for you to wear!

The burger/movie combination was also brilliant too and I bumped into old university pals and former employers - all of whom were great.

On an unrelated note - here is the cover of a fake mixtape I made for someone. I don't think it will go down very well because Goblin Power aren't a real band... or are they?

Stay out of trouble

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