Monday 23 November 2009

Jessica Fletcher Week: A Drawing By Rubén!

Remember Juan? He was the first peron to send in a Jessica Fletcher for Jessica Fletcher Week. Well - what with there being a Circle of Life or something, Juan's pal Rubén (who I don't know) has kindly sent in this stonking drawing.

I know what you're thinking: "Is that Jessica Fletcher making sexy eyes at me?"

The answer is yes - you're totally in there. I predict third base!

Since I don't know Rubén, I can't tell you a funny story about how we met or anything about that time he threw up on my shoes... but I CAN tell you that he has a blog and a proper portfolio. They might be in Spanish but it's about time you learnt another language.

Thanks Rubén! I'll be nice to Juan as your prize!


  1. You're very welcome. It's been my pleasure. In fact, I was waiting for the chance to draw Jessica Fletcher making sexy eyes...

    Whenever you celebrate another 80's TV charachter week, please let me know. I'll be pleased to collaborate.


  2. Yesss!

    Great, great drawing Rubén! Te invitaré a una canyeja en Madrid para agradecértelo...

    Spain opening and closing the guestlist of the Jessica Fletcher week?
    In your face, Britain!
