Sunday 22 November 2009

Jessica Fletcher Week: A Poem By Amber!

So, this may or may not be the last sent in Fletcher - and it's a bit of a change of tone.

For a start, it's a poem. Yes - A POEM! Secondly, it's a poem about Angela Lansbury rather than Jessica Fletcher...but that is officially okay since it's brilliant and the last half is pretty much dedicated to Jessica Fletcher.

FUN FACT: Amber and I used to work together and now we don't but I still think she's swell.

My life with Angela:

As a child

In Bedknobs and Broomsticks she rode
Cross the seas on a four-post transport mode
I learnt the word 'Hexen'
A helluva lesson
Good old Ange down on Portabello Road

As a teen

She appeared in my life in two guises:
Singing teapot and doyenne of exercises.
Wrapped in a towel
Helping Nans shake off jowls
And bringing tears to my eyes with reprises.

As an adult

Just when I thought I'd got the measure of Lansbury
She fulfilled all my dreams and my fantasies
A lady detective!
A writer! Great dress sense!
The role model women all aspire to be.

As Jessica Fletcher she rose
to high heights with daytime mystery prose
I'm glad I'm not related
Her bloodline is ill fated
but it means story-lines happen in droves

At a visit from writer J.B. Fletcher
Amos Tupp and Dr. Seth become lechers
To all miscreants, psychopaths,
Wrong-doers, Manslayers...
In Cabot Cove dear old Fletcher'll getcha!

Thanks Amber! I will pay you back with a cake!

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