Thursday 19 November 2009

Jessica Fletcher Week: Underwear

I'm pretty sure that I once watched a great episode of Murder She Wrote where some young studmuffin was totally working his way through the loose ladies of Cabot Cove. And obviously he totally tried his manly charm on Cabot Cove's sleuthing siren - Ms. Jessica Fletcher.

I mean, you would - wouldn't you?

So, he's massaging her back and shoulders after a hard day at the typewriter and Jessica is about to give into her Mills and Boon-fuelled desires BUT THE DOORBELL RINGS! Phew - a narrow escape! She can totally get back to solving crimes now.

I don't know how the episode ended (or even if I just imagined the whole thing) BUT you totally know that if Jessica Fletcher heard of a man breaking into a house, she'd so try it on with him. Hence the above comic.

Happy Jessica Fletcher Week everyone!

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