Wednesday 2 December 2009

Bad Date #3

My week of being social has been going well and weirdly. Went to Panto on Monday and watched an amazing rendition of Single Ladies. Tuesday was burger/milkshake with someone I used to work with who is great. Tonight was meant to be a night off before a gig tomorrow but I GOT IT WRONG and the gig was tonight and I missed it.

However! Thanks to YouTube, we can still pretend we went to the gig:

In other news - a pervert stole a pair of my underpants. I spent the afternoon walking aroud town to sort out my head. I went to the National Portrait Gallery and the National Gallery. I saw a super grim cast of a head made from blood. It made my stomach feel sick but my brain was trying to work out the logistics behind making something like that...

ANYWAYS! Here is another comic from the Bad Date series.

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