Wednesday 16 December 2009

So Long! Farewell!

Hahahahahahaha! This is a pretty weird update, eh? So, for the last two and a half years, I've been working somewhere. I've never liked writing about work on the blog but today was my last day before taking time out to work on some comics and things - so it seems appropriate to mark the occassion with a comic. I even sent this one round to people as part of my goodbye email.

This has been the first real job I've had and it's been full of all sorts of ups and downs - possibly too many to list. BUT! The best thing about my time here is meeting some of the nicest people ever. Seriously - there are people here who I am incredibly excited about knowing and I can't wait to see lots of them outside of a working context.

So yeah. Despite my best attempts, they got a card signed and got me cakes and decorated a room with my pictures and I got a little teary. I also sweated a lot and am a bit stinky. Oh dear. I hope this distracted from the teary eyes.

So, if I could write two letters right now they would read as follows:


Dear People Who Have Been Nice

I've really enjoyed spending time with you. Thanks for looking after me and I officially hope we can still be friends even if I'm in a different office.


Dear The Future
You scare me but I can't wait to meet you. Be nice to me, yeah?

Thanks for everything Nice People!

NOTE: I updated this from my desk at work. This was done as a mark of respect.

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