Sunday 28 March 2010

UK Web + Comix Thing 2010

Hello Hello!

Yesterday was the UK Web and Comix Thing - officially the third time I've had a stall there!

I packed a suitcase with all sorts of goodies - new comics, old comics, big and little owls, CDs, badge packs, cakes, pictures, bags of dinosaurs etc etc

The journey there was pretty nasty since one of the wheels on the super suitcase broke pretty much as soon as I left the house...except I didn't know - I just thought it was being annoyingly difficult to pull along. It was super noisey and super heavy. I think I deserve a medal for getting to the venue without crying. I didn't even cry when Mile End tube station refused to let anyone exit!

I found my stall and started setting up. Check it out! I think it looked pretty good - especially since I suck at setting things up. It helped that I didn't forget to pack anything. Plusm look how nice the letters turned out for the wall. So bright! I'll try not to lose them this time.

It was a pretty slow start since Lizz and I set about giving out the Dino-Saw-Us Passports and flyers. We even had blank stickers for anyone that didn't have any printed stickers! Good work us. Good work to everyone that participated!

After all this was done I got to stand behind my stall and talk to people - which is one of my favourite things about events. I met so many people! The Science Team from Hull! The Food Group! Mister Aeroplane! Professor Peckham! Mister Awkward! Postal Service Girl! Man who I Thought Was Someone Else! The list is endless! It got super busy in the afternoon so the whole day whizzed by. I didn't even have a chance to have a decent look around.

As with previous Things, as soon as 17:00 rolled around, everyone packed up super fast and hit the pub. I saw some friends (who had gotten there two hours earlier) and spoke to some comic people. Blah blah blah and then I went home.

Today was set aside for doing nothing but fun things! I went for pancakes and saw some friends and worked on some ideas for the new issue of People I Know. I wasn't going to even think about it until June but now I'm hoping I could maybe get it printed in time for MCM Expo... That would be exciting!

In conclusion - thanks to everyone who was nice to me at the Thing 2010. And don't forget to email over any photos of completed Passports! We'd love to see them!

Stay out of trouble

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