Friday 30 July 2010

Draw A Monster! Results #3

OK! More monsters for you!

First up is Graham with his ribbon-stealing monster - the worst kind of monster if you ask me! I sat next to Graham at the Orbital drawing day and he didn't puke or punch me as I tried to draw - so bonus points for him. Also - he gets bonus points since his webcomic is launching soon - check it out!

EDIT: I set up the wrong link for poor Graham but I've fixed it now. Please don't hate me!

And look! A hipster monster drawing from the lovely Jen! Jen and I used to work in the same building back in the day and she has nice hair. She's also a proper fancy designer and illustrator. Look at how cute the monster is. The only it could be cuter would be if it was in Tracy Turnblad's hair!

SURPRISE ATTACK! This monster is from Joel! Hello Joel! Thanks for drawing a monster for me and not eating biscuits instead. Joel has a proper website and I also suspect he has a biscuit fixation. Still, excellent monster work.
Holy Monster Drawing, Batman! It's a drawing by Leannezzers! And it's a corker! Thank you so much for sending this in - I heart superheroes! Except for Deadpool - I'm a little bemused by his current surge in popularity.

Don't forget that you can still send in monster drawing if you want to!

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