Thursday 28 October 2010

Kinky Girlfriend...

I feel a bit gross for doing this drawing...but a friend asked me for something about him and this puppet he got his hands on (in?). Who am I to disappoint? Oh! I did a drawing about him a while ago. He looks much better now. Or maybe that's just my drawing?

Anyways. Hello! With working hard and socialising, my evenings have been eaten up... which is a real pain since I've still got LOADS to do before MCM Expo. Ho hum.

Speaking of MCM Expo, remember last time I made a dance routine for you to do? Well, I haven't had the chance to make a new one so feel free to do that one again... Here it is again:

1 comment:

  1. I totally went PFFFFFFFFFFFFT. Thanks for the lol yet again n.nb
