Thursday 25 November 2010

Emma: Crabs

Remember Emma? Probably not - but she's back so deal with it! And yes - if you've read a lot of my stuff, those crabs should look familiar too. At least, I could totally understand if you got them confused with Space Crabs! Oh dear - my drawings look so much nicer these days, eh?

Anyways - Wednesday is done and dusted. I was meant to see pals for Burger Time but it ended up falling through. But that meant I had time to get a head start with Jessica Fletcher Week. I had five new submissions today! Two of them were from Spain! Wowsers! But besides collating all the drawings (and poems), I've still got to make my own Jessica Fletcher-themed drawings!

But that's enough worrying. I had an email from someone I think is ace today - which really cheered me up. And I'm seeing pals over the next few evenings. Also, it's a month until Christmas! A month! Then it's Christmas. I don't know how I feel about Christmas but I know how I feel about 2010 speeding by so quickly: and that's terrified. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. Aww, super-cute crabs <3 .... That just sounded too weird >_>;
