Friday 10 December 2010

Real Life: Wrap Up Warm

Hello! It's Friday - which means I've got a weekend of drawing to look forward to! Hooray! Except I have exciting things planned like getting a haircut and going to a birthday party! And I might even visit a jumble sale on Sunday! Wowsers! Check me out and all the crazy stuff I get up to. If I was any wilder, Ke$ha would be worried about her position as the #1 Wild Person on the Planet.

IN OTHER NEWS: I am really proud of this drawing. It features a rap, for goodness sake! I highly recommend doing the rap whenever you're bored - it's good fun. Maybe try out some sassy moves whilst rapping? Yeah! Give it some attitude! And let me know how it goes...

Also, this drawing might look a little different than usual since I'm using a new pen! It's a fountain pen with a proper nib recommended by the lovely Dan Berry.  I was getting really fed up since the pens I was using, although cheap, had a nasty habit of getting wonky nibs - which meant the lines kept changing size on how you held them. I just want a nice constant line. And this fancy pen does that. And it makes me feel like a grown up. I'm still getting used to it though so I'm sorry for any wobbly lines.

Actually, I'm not sorry! I just uploaded a rap! You should all write raps too! We can be rap twins.