Friday 17 December 2010

Review of 2010: Thought Bubble

It’s Friday and it’s the last entry of my Review of 2010. Wheeeeee… Unless you didn’t enjoy it, in which case…I’m sorry? But yes – it’s the final instalment and it’s about Thought Bubble!!! YEAH!!!!

Thought Bubble, for those who don’t know, if a sort of like a massive high five for comic-makers and comic-lovers…and anyone else in the area I suppose. It’s in Leeds and there are lots of talks and things to get involved in – not forgetting the amazing convention on the Saturday.

I have heard people harping on about Thought Bubble for ages…but due to a bunch of reasons, this was my first time attending. And what a lovely time I had! But where to start?

So, the delightful Philippa Rice and I got the train up to Leeds on Friday afternoon. We found a place to hide our suitcases and talked about hats and other sassy things. Once we got to Leeds, we met up with the lovely Lizz Lunney (cute as a button and twice as useful) and got a taxi to our hotel. I had my own room but there were two beds! I assume the other one was for a ghost or something?

So on Friday evening we met up with some other lovely people and went to the Christmas Market! There was a Nut Man who sold nuts, and some other stuff and then we went to this lovely Mexican place for burritos! They were lovely! It was so nice to hang around with nice people eating nice food (thanks for the eagle-eyes DC!). Then we met up with more nice people and headed back to the hotel.

Saturday was the actual convention. We headed over to the venue to set up and the rest is pretty much a blur. An amazing blur. The whole thing was brilliant. I didn’t have any new items but I met so many new people! From roller-skating zombie girls to bearded gentlemen who teased me for not being able to grow a beard (see the above drawing), Thought Bubble seems to draw all sorts of people together. And there were cosplayers! Here are my favourites!

Professor Layton is ace – but he’d be nothing without his Number One Apprentice!

I have no idea who the one-who-isn’t-Rorschach is, but he made his glove with LOADS of duct tape.

Finally, it’s Princess Peach! I think this lady was a professional cosplayer so that’s why the costume is so fancy – but still, an amazing job! Didn't think much of the guy dressed as Toad though... He must have eaten too much food because he looked so stuffed!!!! Hahahahahaha--


So many people came to chat! Or were bullied into chatting! My obsession with giving out flyers returned with a vengeance so I’m sorry for anyone that ended up with one against their will. And I’m sorry if I wasn’t at my table if anyone came to visit – one of the ace things about Thought Bubble was that I could actually have a look through the convention myself. Not that I couldn’t do that at MCM, but this time I had someone to look after my table (thanks Simon!) – and goodness me, I picked up some amazing stuff! You’ll have to wait until a later blog post to find out what though…

I didn’t get to see any of the talks but I bet they were ace. And next year, maybe I’ll ask if I can run one… although it would have to be on something like “how to be sassy,” or “drawing hands is tough so don't bother.”

So yeah – then it was the evening and after a bit of a kerfuffle (which made me sad) we settled down to eat food before heading over to the casino (!!!) for a party. That’s right – there was a party for comic-people! The dancing was as amazing, if not more so, than you could possibly imagine. There was meant to be a DJ-rivalry or something but I didn’t really understand who to cheer for. What I *did* understand was that they played some brilliant songs: a Beyonce/Ciara mix, Don’t Falter by Mint Royale and Hounds of Love by The Futureheads. They played a bunch of stuff I didn’t know and a fair amount of stuff I couldn’t dance to (I’m quite particular), but I gave it a good go and had an ace time.

Then it was Sunday and I sat around and drew. Well, I was meant to draw but I didn’t do that much really. And before I knew it, it was home time. Philippa was kind enough to sit cross-legged so we could fit my case under the seat – because there was nowhere else to put it. I really need to pack less. Maybe that should be a New Year’s Resolution?

Obviously I’m already looking forward to the next Thought Bubble. I guess it combined two of the things I was already excited about this year – new comic-making pals and adventures to new places, but the fact that it turned out to be just as brilliant as everyone had told me… well, that was just ace. Mega thanks to Clark, Lisa, Mikey and everyone else that helped to organise it. I officially owe you cake or something.

And that’s pretty much it. My Review of 2010 is over. It’s been a weird year but looking back at it like this sort of makes it all feel worthwhile. Hooray!

Oh. I should end on a musical note. Here are some songs I’ve enjoyed this year! They all get honourary mentions in the Review of the Year! Well done guys!

The Piney Gir Country Roadshow

James Yuill


Allo Darlin'

Emilie Simon


  1. "It was so nice to hang around with nice people eating nice people."
    ^ I'm not too sure I understood that right o_o;

    Also: Maybe fertilizer would help. For the growing a beard part, that is :D (You know I kid xP )

  2. Oh, how mean. I'm not sure I like the Beardoes any more.

  3. I am cute as a button and twice as useful!

  4. Hiya! I remember coming to your stall for a chat, your stuff really made me giggle!

    I'm so happy that you liked my costume (Princess Peach). I was invited to Thought Bubble for the second year running to host their cosplay masquerade (you're correct I do this as 'pro'), but it still means so much to me when people like my costume!

    Hope to see you there this coming year too!
