Saturday 1 January 2011

Jessica Fletcher Week 2010: An Update

Oh! One more thing! I forgot to upload these two Jessica Fletchers. They were too late to be part of Jessica Fletcher Week 2010, but I'm uploading them now's my blog and I can do whatever I like!

This is a drawing by Howard for Marc Ellerby's Chloe Noonan... but it gets uploaded here because there's a Jessica Fletcher reference. And because Howard is nice. But mostly because of the Jessica Fletcher reference. I mean, even as a ghost, Ms Fletcher's allure is so powerful, you can bet that all the other ghosts would be impressed by her. In fact, I can't believe no one has made a supernatural spin-off of Murder, She Wrote. Why is this? It would be amazing, with Jessica Fletcher floating through walls and fighting vampires and stuff...

This Jessica Fletcher was sent in by the lovely Bing! I had to pester him for ages to do one but it all paid off in the end...because now I have one...and it's really good. I have no idea what the text at the bottom says but I imagine it's something like "OMG! Jessica Fletcher is SUCH a fox." Oh! Or maybe "THIS IS MY FUTURE WIFE!" Or perhaps "Watch our murders! You're about to get Jessica'd!" Either way, Bing is ace, his drawing is ace and everything is swell.

If you want to send in a drawing of Jessica Fletcher then please do. I'll probably run the week again in November 2011 (talk about forward planning) so you should start thinking about what you'll want to draw... I mean, eleven months isn't that long to capture the beauty and grace of the Jessica Beatrice Fletcher...

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