Monday 17 January 2011

A Very Important Date

Oh weekend! You've gone by so quickly! We had such fun and now it's over. Boo hoo hoo.

I spent Saturday drawing pretty much non-stop...which probably isn't healthy but it allowed me to catch up on some television which I needed to do. Plus, I finished all the pen stuff for People I Know #12 so I can start scanning and cleaning it up over the next few weeks. To be honest, the inking of this issue was a TOTAL DISASTER so the cleaning up will be pretty intensive. And the story is actually pretty harrowing. Seriously grim stuff. I'm still having second thoughts about putting it online...

And then it was Sunday and I met up with some pals and we did touristy things. Not that any of us are tourists but you know what it's like - you don't really do it much if you live somewhere. Except for museums - I'm all up on the museums. They are ace. Oh. And I had my first cake of 2011. It was a chocolate brownie. It was really nice but it was also expensive, so it needed to be impressive.

IN OTHER NEWS: The lovely Bing from Cakebomb is offering up some of my mini comics as rewards on his new website. Check it out.

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