Friday 11 February 2011

Valentine's Day - Part 3

If this drawing doesn't make sense, click here to read the first part.

Hooray! It's Friday - which means it's the weekend... oh. Wait. I'm on holiday so if it's Friday, that just means the fun times are nearly over. Oh dear.

Truth be told - this hasn't really felt like much of a holiday since I've been working so hard on a bunch of People I Know things. The posters were designed and printer in record time, I've just settled on some badge designs, I drew the Valentine's story (which I hope you're enjoying) and I saw lots of friends. Good times!

Oh! And I've made lots of progress with People I Know #12! I'm 95% sure it's going to be printed in full colour! Exciting...except it's expensive! I might post a few panels next week for no other reason than it will speed up the production of it. I always work better when a deadline is involved.

Today's drawing has Human-Toby and Christina in it. I'm glad they're friends otherwise I suspect they would be a little lonely.

I'm going to try to continue doing five drawings a week but I might have to start taking a day off at some point if I want to work on other projects like musicals and animations and things. Consider this fair warning?

IN OTHER NEWS: OMG! I went to see some old work pals this evening and afterwards, me and a pal went for a drink. Whilst it was lovely to see my was less than lovely with the amount of scary people who kept talking to us. I don't mean "scary" as in they were just regular folk making conversation... one of them was telling us some scary stuff about how to conquer the Internet and the other was...well, I don't even know where to begin with the things he was saying. It was incredibly surreal. I should turn it into a comic or something...


  1. Haha, this sould be interesting.

  2. That butter comment was kinda... uh, weird, to say the least. LOL
