Monday 14 March 2011

Small Press Expo!

Cooee! Hello! Guten Morgan! Are you well? Did you have a nice weekend?

I was very busy... because I had a table at the Small Press Expo! I was a bit annoyed because I worked really hard on getting new badges, posters, comics and tote bags ready for it but when the day rolled round, I was still trying to shake this stupid cold. So if you cmae to visit me, I'm sorry for being a little confused or snotty. Still, I had a nice time and I hope you did too!

If you're reading this on an RSS feed and wondering where the latest comic is, then go check out my proper website. From now on, I'll just be posting blogs and doodles the wizard drawing above! This isn't because I hate this blog or you or anything - but I'm having trouble with the scheduling function here and I don't have the time to manually update a bunch of different places. Don't be sad though - there will still be some fun stuff here! And when the next Jessica Fletcher Week swings by, you better come visit! Although, I have another project planned for before then...

IN OTHER NEWS: I'm still enjoying Pokemon White and I still need to visit the gym...


  1. i wish i could have gone to the small press expo. :(

    i'm glad that you're going to be posting doodles and blogs here. i like reading what you write every day. it makes me smile in the morning. :)

    and also, i hope you're doing awesome on Pokemon White... i'm still going with Black at the moment. yay Pokemon! ;)

  2. Division... LOL epic
