Sunday 10 April 2011

Busy Busy Busy...

Hello! Sorry it's been so long since my last update...but I have an actual excuse. I've been busy, trying to be sociable. I know - I'm as surprised as you are. 

But first, there was the J-Man storyline. I hope you enjoyed it! According to Google Analytics, it wasn't very popular, but I'm glad I did it because it was a bit different - a bit *ahem* metatextual and it was a nice way to bring together a bunch of characters that don't normally hang out. The story was a good reflection of how some of my drawings make me feel. When I first started, I'd put anything online... whereas now, I'm a bit more selective - which is both a good and bad thing. I had the first J-Man joke ready to upload, but it just really annoyed me because it didn't seem funny enough. And then the J-Man storyline sort of came from my attempts to make it funny. Or better. Plus, I got to draw hands!

So yeah - this week has seen me try to do fun things. I worry I spend too much time at my desk - whether it's at work or working on drawings. So this week, I tried doing fun things. On Wednesday, I went for a burger and then went to see Sucker Punch. I have no idea what to make of the film. It looked nice but I was pretty confused. The soundtrack was good though. Here is one of my favourites:

Also - it was possibly the first time in recent years I've been to the cinema and not eaten popcorn...

On Thursday, me and some pals went to the Museum of Childhood for an event about self-publishing. It was really nice and we went to a cute cafe afterwards to catch up on old times. Friday evening was spent at the pub. I was there for a bit too long but I actually enjoyed myself. Hooray. Saturday was spent working on some projects for people that you'll get to hear about at some point. I blitzed through them and went to see some pals in the park. We sang quite a lot of Rebecca Black's Friday. Speaking of which...

Then it was Sunday and I went to an effing BBQ! Can you believe that! I even spoke to people I didn't know! And they were nice! 

So...that was my week - pretty crazy, right? And I have more stuff planned! Next week will see burgers with pals, a potential birthday party and a pal is coming to visit! I hope I have time to draw comics! Oh - and I'm giving serious thought to trying to form a band... Although it will be much better than my last attempt


1 comment:

  1. Dagnabit I was confused with Suckerpunch too!!! My friend kept on telling me that the story's simple enough, but I have this creeping suspicion that it isn't...

    BTW, that's a super-cute rocket!!! :D

    Birthday party?? Wow! Can't wait n.nb
