Wednesday 4 May 2011

Wizard Week 2011: Call For Submissions


It's time for an EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT! I hope you're sitting down!

Remember how last year I did the Monster Drawing thing? Well, this time I want you to draw something much more familiar...especially if you've been reading my webcomics on a Wednesday.

Please say hello to:

So, if you took part in Jessica Fletcher Week then you know the drill... Starting on Monday the 23rd of May, I will upload a different wizard-themed drawing onto my website, every weekday. So if you enjoy Wizarding Wednesday, it'll be five times better than that! If it was a movie, it would be called "Wizards Go Wild" or something... but I need drawings of wizards for my blog...

This is where you come in. I'd like to ask people I know (hahahaha - see what I did there?) and anyone that reads my webcomic to draw their favourite wizard! I don't mind whether it's a famous wizard, a wizard you invented or even the Wizarding Wednesday gang - just draw your favourite! I'd like to upload a different batch of wizards every day to make Wizard Week 2011 super magical.

I don't mind whether you draw, animate or even write a poem - it's up to you! Just send it over by Friday the 20th of May for me to upload - along with a link to your website if you'd like. You can email me at timothy (underscore) winchester (at) yahoo (dot) com. And obviously, please ask your friends and family and pets to take part too!

If you have any questions, please get in touch. I'm already excited!

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