Friday 27 May 2011

Wizard Week 2011: Day Five

It’s Friday! The last day of Wizard Week 2011! I really hope you’ve enjoyed it. Maybe you’ve seen a new artist you like the look of. Or maybe you really like wizards. Whatever you thought – I’d like to know so feel free to leave a comment here or something.

But whatever – you didn’t come here to listen to me make noises. So without further ado, here are the wizards!

Emails are pretty cool and letters are like paper emails, so they must be cool too. And if one person knows about cool, it’s Wendy! Wendy wrote this four (4!!!) page letter to…well…I won’t ruin it. Just read it. There’s even a CSI reference in there! Thanks for writing this Wendy! It’s brilliant. You’re brilliant! YEAH!

This big-eyed beauty of a wizard was sent in by my BFFurrito, Jon. We totally ate burritos – hence the nickname which I’m hoping that if I say enough, will eventually stick. Anyways – John’s wizard is surprisingly cute. What’s the secret, Jon? Also, thanks for finding the time to do this. I owe you.

If I learnt one thing from Sex and the City it’s that everyone loves shopping. And you know what, wizards love shopping too because wizards are people. And yes – I know that the SATC gals never went to the supermarket but Lisa, who sent this drawing in, knows all about the secret shopping habits of wizards. Yeah – it happens to be a bit risqué, but that’s life! Thanks Lisa!

He-Man must be pretty jealous of his wizarding sidekick, Orko. I mean, why wouldn’t you be jealous of some sassy and mysterious floaty wizard…thing? I mean, all you’ve got is some magic sword and a silly hair cut. But Orko has EVERYTHING! And an amazing hat. Oh. I forgot to say, that this was sent in by lovely Craig – a nice gentleman I met at a Birmingham show. Thanks Craig!

Oh Harry Potter. You’re so cool and popular and everyone loves you. But what about Voldemort – doomed to be hated and noseless. I think if I wrote the Harry Potter series, I’d probably focus more on the fact that Voldemort needs a new BFF but he’s not sure what to do. Oh, and Bellatrix would be the jealous one and Wormtail would be the sassy one. Or would it be the other way round? Maybe I should ask Andy? After all, he drew this picture. Thanks Andy!

This wizard was sent in by Anne – one of the driving forces behind We Are Words + Pictures. Anne’s wizard has a pretty epic beard, look at all the curls! And I especially like the fact that this wizard wants an extra star for his hat. Because, as we all know, the more stars a wizard has the more magical they are! Thanks Anne!

One of the sad things about not drawing hands or feet is that I don’t get to draw fancy shoes. But lucky for you, Anya loves drawing shoes (and beards!). And what shoes they are. Amazing, wizarding wizard shoes. Look at them go. And oh – the sparkles! Excellent work Anya! Thank you!

Say hello to Tchzipx, as drawn by Balnek. I bumped into Balnek recently which was nice. I feel a bit like a mean person for saying this but I’m glad I didn’t bump into Tchzipx too – that’s some spooky looking wizard. I like the cape and the lightning powers – two very wizarding things. But then there’s the whole green alien on a unicycle. But maybe I’m just narrow-minded. I believe in Balnek and if he reckons this is a wizard then I believe him…and you should too!

This gorilla wizard was sent in by Damien – a man I met years ago. Actual years. We got on really well – I mean, how couldn’t you get on with a guy who can draw a gorilla wizard. I was a bit worried about the rabbit to begin with but now I realise it’s just having a nap before they both go to the cinema. Thanks Damien!

Once upon a time, I was worried that a man named James was going to fight me because we both drew dinosaurs. But that didn’t happen. Phew – because I’m terrible at fighting… and most things in general. And look! James was kind enough to send in this great comic strip about wizard romance. Steamy stuff! Thanks James – I’m glad we didn’t fight.
I think was the last wizard I received for Wizard Week 2011. At least, it is at the time of writing. Joel and I go way back and I’m always pleased to see one of his drawings. He’s decided to draw Mr H. Potter…playing the air guitar wand. It looks like the sort of thing I can imagine someone playing on the Wii. Excellent work as always Joel – keep it up and maybe I’ll take you on an adventure!

This wizard stud was sent in by John – a man who possesses a pretty wizardy beard himself. John raises the excellent, but little known point of wizard groupies. You know the saying “with great power comes great responsibility?” Well, the wizard version is “with great power comes attractive ladies.” So if you ever wondered why so many people train to become a wizard…now you know! Thanks John!

This wizard was drawn on a Post-It note by Neil. I work with Neil and he is very nice. He has clearly gone down the much-loved old-school wizard design. And why wouldn’t he? It’s a design classic. Great work Neil! Thank you!

One of the confusing things about being a wizard is remembering what goes where. I mean, you’ve got to think about spell ingredients, instructions, rules and all that jazz. All that worrying and all that pressure. So much to worry about. I’d be a terrible wizard since I’m a terrible worrier. This wizard was sent in by Stu – a man who can clearly cross-hatch with the best of them. Thanks Stu!

Mary sent in this super cute mouse wizard. I like it’s little whiskers! Do you reckon that mouse-wizards can use their whiskers (or tails?) to cast spells? We need to do some research. Thanks for sending this in Mary! I can’t wait to see your costume for MCM!!!

Look! It’s one of the Wizarding Wednesday gang! AND HE’S GOT HANDS!!!!! Arrrrrrgh!!!! This wizard was sent in by Jack who was keen to point out he had use a mouse rather than a tablet. Whatever you used, you did a great job Jack! I have hand envy already. Thanks !

David is one of the nicest guys I’ve met and check it out – he’s drawn Roy Wood from Wizzard for Wizard Week. I wasn’t a huge fan of Wizzard but I did quite enjoy the Corss back the day. But you don’t need to know that. Here’s a brilliant wizard by a brilliant guy. Enjoy it! Oh – and I hear that David might be working on a new and exciting project... Keep your eyes peeled!

Andy sent me this photo on Twitter for Wizard Week! It’s of a wizard called Wirlin – which I like as a name since it rhymes with Merlin. But yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think the name just suits him. Anyone that can make a "FOOMPH!" sound effect must be a) a wizard and b) one with a funny name. Andy – thanks for taking part in Wizard Week 2011.

Getting dressed when you’re a wizard must be pretty easy, right? Robe? Check. Beard? Check. Hat? Check. BUT WAIT! If you’re a wizard, you pretty much have to always look your best. And if you’re a great wizard then standing out from the crowd is very important. Do you want stars on your hat? What colour robes should you wear? What about shoes – pointy or not? Maybe even a Cuban heel? It’s this perpetual dilemma that Lizz has depicted. It was designed to be an interactive dress-up game so keep your eyes peeled for that soon!

So…I’ve been saving this for the last day so we can go out with a bang. Yes! That’s right! Katherine made this REAL LIFE CUDDLY WIZARD! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I’m sorry that I don’t have a proper camera to document the utter amazingness of the cuddly wizard so I’ll be bringing him along to MCM Expo this weekend for everyone to have a peep at. Thank you so much Katherine! Thanks!!! Thank you!!

So that’s it! I hope you enjoyed the whole week – both my comics and the submissions sent in by people. I’ve learnt a lot from the week too – like don’t do it in a place with a crappy Internet connection. And maybe take some time off work because all the typing gets a bit confusing. And that EVERYONE LIKES WIZARDS! So yeah, thanks for sticking around!

And speaking of thanks…


1 comment:

  1. As mentioned: brilliant submissions! That little thank you drawing with the wizards, witch and pixie is super-cute by the way! Hail wizards! :D
