Saturday 13 August 2011

Manchester MCM Expo - Thoughts and Stuff

Hey There

Sorry I’ve been so lame with this blog. And I’m sorry that I started off my blog with an apology – that’s the worst. I’m finding everything a bit of a struggle lately, like I’m drowning in life. Which is a stupid thing to complain about… I guess I just need to sort myself out, find somewhere to live and stop taking my work home with me.

ANYWAYS. The real reason I’m updating the blog is because I went to Manchester MCM last last weekend. It was the first MCM held in Manchester, although you wouldn’t know it from how busy it was. But yes, start at the start, mustn’t get ahead of myself.

So…I took the day off work and took the train up to Manchester by myself…which probably doesn’t sound like a big deal but I normally go with a pal. I didn’t enjoy getting the train by myself and the carriage smelt. Maybe it was the smell of loneliness? Bleurgh.

So there was a train journey and BOOM! I was in Manchester – pretty much the second I’ve ever been for non-work purposes. Exciting! I trudged over to my hotel but I got a little lost which was upsetting. I’m normally quite good with a map so I assume my sense of direction was on holiday. But I found my hotel in the end and was dazzled by the fact that the shower had TWO (2) shower heads! What the cabbage!

The lovely Joe List then whisked me away on an exciting Manchester adventure – for which I am very grateful. The science museum was closing so we had a quick run around that…but the real highlight was a place called Home Sweet Home that served freshly baked cookies with a nice glass of milk! Hello my dream food, get in my mouth! Then I went back to the hotel, did some drawing and slept. Well done me.

Then it was Saturday! Time for MCM Expo. I’ve been to a load of Expos in London so this was the first MCM in Manchester. I wasn’t sure how busy it would be to be honest… But I made my way there with the normal comics and tote bags and things… and there was already a hefty queue! And so many cosplayers! We all know how much I love a good cosplayer so here are some of my favourite costumes:

This guy was Totoro! I asked him to come back (so I could ask him where I could get that costume…) but alas! He didn’t come back so I’ll never know! Still – excellent costume and I suggested he come to the next convention as Snorlax! Who doesn’t love Snorlax?

Now these three Pokemon trainers did a great job! Well, two of them. Poor middle dude! Unless he’s a Pokemon trainer I don’t recognise? It’s possible. Oh! And this Misty was the second Misty I was on that day, although this was the only lady Misty. I believe there’s a photo floating around of the two of them so feel free to email it to me.

Did you ever play Pikmin? I didn’t…but I recognise this costume and it’s a corker! We had an awkward moment where it turns out that talking through a helmet is pretty tricky. But still – ace costume! Well done!

This is a great costume that my pissy phone doesn’t do justice to. So, he’s a smartly dressed dude (who was very nice) but he had these amazing…goat legs! Furry goat legs! That were real and that he was walking around on! Ah! So cool! I want goat legs!

Right. So the event was super busy and I was really pleased for Gary who helped organise the Comic Village. He was really nice, checking up on stall holders throughout the day. On the downside, I’m normally well-prepared for events, bringing sandwiches and food along with me. But I didn’t bring anything this time since I didn’t have a fridge. So obviously, the place to buy food from was a bit lame and I spent the day feeling a bit out of sorts. I’ve learnt my lesson though – ALWAYS bring food and drink.

As always, it was nice to see comics pals – Joe, Lynn and Lizz were all exhibiting too. And afterwards I got to see Jonathan, Felt Mistress and John. YAY! Plus, I met so many new people – and some effing talented ones to boot. I hope that at least some of them enjoy reading the comic and I hope that even more of them want to be pals.

Also, if you’re a new reader and you found your way here through a flyer from MCM Expo Manchester then hello!

Right, bed time. And I need to find somewhere to live. And start eating properly. Maybe that’s why I’m feeling so bleurgh lately?

Oh – and if I haven’t already posted it, this was the soundtrack to that weekend for me:

1 comment:

  1. I started reading your comic AFTER Manchester MCM. So lame, I could have come and said hello. My stall was in the main area but I kept popping by the comic village to say hello to peeps I knew (ironically).

    Hope you did well there, I found it very successful just for the one day!
