Sunday 2 October 2011

Orbital Self-Portrait Exhibition

Hello! Hello!

I've been puotting this blog post off for a while since the new blogger/blogspot layout weirds me out. But I'm being brave... wish me luck!

So, the lovely people at Orbital - a really ace comic shop in London, have put together a Self-Portrait Exhibition! YAY! Even more exciting, they asked me to draw something for it! DOUBLE YAY! I made a brand new drawing for it - it's A3 and in colour and they put it into a fancy frame. And all sorts of other cool people have taken part too - Eddie Ross, Philippa Rice, Kristyna Baczynski, Luke Pearson et al...

The exhibition is really worth chacking out - as is Orbital in general since they are always so friendly. I don't want to show you what my drawing looks like as that would ruin the surprise... so here's a preview image where I've turned the background and other non-me characters into PURPLE!

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