Monday 2 January 2012

Review of the Year: Music in 2011

So, I covered some of the comics I enjoyed in 2011...which can only mean that music is next. Normally I would agonise for a long, long time about when to put on here. I mean, you want to seem cool but not like you're trying too hard, right?

Except! 2011 clearly belonged to one person and one person alone...and that person is Ms Rebecca Black:

And it's not just Friday that cements her at the top of the 2011 charts. She has other songs...which aren't as catchy as Friday but are still ace:

My Moment

Person of Interest

Hooray for Rebecca Black! 

As for other, non-Rebecca Black songs, here are a bunch of other things I enjoyed listening to this year. You're not allowed to laugh at me!

My pal Martin sent me this Disney...thing. It's amazing and I don't know how to explain it, but it's ace.

Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers

I don't know if this officially came out in 2010 or 2011 but I listened to it a lot so it is making the cut. Hooray!

M83 - Midnight City

An amazing video as well as the theme tune to Made In Chelsea? Double thumbs up!

Yelle - Safari Disco Club / Que veux-tu

I'm late to the party with Yelle but it's good fun. I don't speak French though so when I singalong, I just make noises and hope it sounds right.

Songify - Can't Hug Every Cat

The Gregory Brothers are ace and responsible for some of the catchiest songs ever. Auto-tune The News #12 is still brilliant. You know what, that is going on the list too, I don't care if it came out in 2010:

Game of Thrones theme 

I know it doesn't really count as a chart smash...but the theme from Game of Thrones is ace. And it's so catchy! If I had a theme tune, it would sound like this...


Robyn was all over the place this year. Or was it last year? I'm not sure. But I remember listening to her a lot in 2011. I mean, you couldn't really ignore her with videos like this (which, is pretty much how I dance all the time...just so you know)

I think that's mostly it? I can always add in more songs? And now it's 2012 and there's a whole host of music to look forward to. My first official tip of catchy songs (besides whatever Rebecca Black releases next) is the theme tune from New Girl, for no other reason than I enjoy it?

Who's that girl? It's Jess!


  1. Lykke Li's album was definitely a worthwhile investment in 2011, love it. Her first album is good too.
    Can't hug every cat made me cry with tears, the original video was amazing too.
    I finally watched Game of Thrones over christmas! are you proud of me? Loved it, great story, but can't believe in the penultimate episode they.... spoiler alert!

  2. ps. not watched new girl, but love Zooey Deschanel. Her band She & Him are brilliant. Love her voice. Their christmas album was also lush :)
