Sunday 15 April 2012

500th Webcomic and Boyfriend Week

Hello Hello!

I’m sorry I’ve been so lame with writing blog posts. I am a terrible person… but that can wait. I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Prepare yourself!

The comic that I upload on Monday the 30th of April will by my 500th webcomic!

500! Webcomics! That I have made!

That’s a pretty big deal (for me at least) and I’ve been having a think about how to celebrate. I cast my mind back to how People I Know started with a print comic I made at university about a dinosaur named Toby.

Considering how much fun last year’s Wizard Week was, I thought it would be nice to do something similar for Toby.

For those of you unfamiliar with Toby, here is what you need to know:

Toby is a gay dinosaur who starred in my early print comics - #1, #4, #9 and #11. One day, I will upload them onto the Internet

So yes. That’s Toby and I think we can all agree that what he really needs is a nice boyfriend. And who better to find him one then people like YOU!

That’s right! What I’m going to do is declare the second week of May as Boyfriend Week! All you need to do is draw the perfect boyfriend for Toby. You can give them a name, a back story or even super powers! I don’t mind as long as you think they will bring some happiness to Toby’s life. Oh – although I should say that they can't be rude or too saucy – I wouldn’t want to make Toby blush.

I’d like to start Boyfriend Week on Monday the 7th of May so I’ll say the deadline for submissions is Friday the 4th of May! May the fourth! Send the boyfriends over to me and I'll put them on the blog across the week. My email address is timothy (underscore) Winchester (at) yahoo (dot) com.

UPDATE: I ended up making too many 500-themed comics so the dates have changed. The deadline is now Friday the 11th of May! I hope no one is angry with me and that everyone will still get involved!

I’ll plan out some boyfriend-themed comics too so it will be a proper thing. Everyone can get involved. I’ll ask my pals. You can ask your pals! And if it’s anything like Wizard Week or Angela Lansbury Week then it will be pretty good fun!

I really hope you can take part! If you have any questions then let me know.

TL:DR – Send in a drawing of a potential boyfriend for Toby the dinosaur by Friday the 4th of May!

I hope you had an ace weekend!

Stay out of trouble

EDIT: This post looks boring because it is all words. Here is a drawing to liven it up:

1 comment:

  1. Oooohhhh... busy, busy week at work, but I will try to get something for this!

    All for a good cause - Toby needs a good bf.
