Saturday 11 August 2012

Things I've Been Up To

Hello Hello

I know – I suck at keeping this updated! But cut me some slack – I haven’t been slacking or anything. I’ve been doing a bunch of things. Here are some words about some of the things I’ve been up to… although my memory is terrible so they may or may not be in chronological order.

Regina Spektor

My pal Tom took me to see Regina Spektor at the Royal Albert Hall! I saw her a long time ago at a tiny place in Camden (Lock 17?) but this was very different. I’m not *that* keen on the latest album compared to songs like Us and The Call… but seeing them live was impressive. I got a bit frustrated with some of the crowd though – we were stood by some people who were trying to have a ‘comedy’ dance-off. And lots of people in the audience (I suspect it was the same three people over and over) kept shouting out “I LOVE YOU!!!!” which is lovely until it doesn’t stop.


In return, I took Tom to the OLYMPICS! I don’t know how it has been where you live but London has gone Olympic-crazy! We were warned that using public transport would be a nightmare but the biggest nightmare has actually been trying to get tickets to see anything. However, I was lucky enough to find myself the owner of tickets to go and see Water Polo! I didn’t know anything about Water Polo before but Tom and I headed off to the Olympic Park anyway… where we had an AMAZING TIME!

The atmosphere was brilliant. If all sporting events are like that then I can understand why people go to them. Oh! And so many pin badges! You know how much I love a good pin badge. I was also excited about visiting the giant McDonald’s – I haven’t been to one in years – but the queue was too long. The queues for everything were silly-long. No McDonald’s or Megastore for me :(((

London has been on its best behaviour too - it looks so nice and there's a really pleasant atmosphere... which makes a nice change. 

MCM Manchester

Also, I met up with the lovely
Joe, Philippa and Lizz for MCM Manchester! Manchester MCM? Whichever order it goes in, I was there. There were some amazing costumes – here are my favourites! I hope they don’t mind me using these photos…

X-Men were some of the first comics I started reading so I'll always have a soft spot for the main cast. And look! This dude has done a good Cyclops costume! Wolverine and Gambit are quite frequent sights at comic events but I can't remember the last time I saw a Cyclops - and this man was so nice! Good work him!

HOORAY! It's Link! DOUBLE HOORAY! It's Link in a blue tunic, carrying a bomb! Bonus points for those boots - I want to wear those boots as part of my regular wardrobe. HOORAY FOR HIM!

Look at this! The cape! The mark! The silver leggings! It must be Doctor Doom. I've never read many comics where Doctor Doom features but I've always been a fan of the character design. This cosplayer did a great job of putting it all together. I suspect that capes are very on-trend on Latveria right now...

As good as all the other costumes were, none of them came close to this tiny child, dressed as TOBY THE DINOSAUR!!! Woooooooo! I can't even explain how amazing this is. There simply aren't enough exclamation marks in the world. Gah! So. Good. And. Cute.

Other Stuff

As for drawing, if you follow me on Tumblr, Instagram or Facebook then you’ll have seen all the bits and bobs I’ve been drawing. I’ve been posting some odd stuff as I’ve started inking warm-up sketches and just filling up empty spaces with whatever is in my mind. Maybe I’ll post some of my favourites here…

It's a Creepycorn - a scary version of a Caticorn! You'll find out about them VERY SOON!

It's Link from the Legend of Zelda. I wish he was my pal!
I have no idea what this is or why I drew it... but here you go!

I think that's enough of a brain-spew for one blog post. Sorry for the lack of them. Remind me to write about On The Download! That's pretty exciting! Oh. And we totally need to talk about the first thirty seconds of this video:

And we definitly need to talk about the second episode of Cornelius and Toots!

But before that, I should go to bed! I hope you're all well though!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim,

    I can't remember of water polo being shown here in Portugal.
    Maybe I was at work during the broadcast.

    It's a sport that seldom is shown on TV but it's one of my favourites.
    When it's played well, it can be pretty spectacular.

    It's like field hockey (is this the correct name?). They never show it here and I didn't see any game or mention to it during the olympics broadcast here in Portugal.

    It's a bit sad that in my country people only think about football.
    I also like football, but sport is not only football.

    Take care,

