Wednesday 1 December 2010

Jessica Fletcher Week 2010: Day Three

It's Wednesday. It's Jessica Fletcher Week 2010. There are wizards. It can only mean one thing! Yes - it's Wizarding Wednesday and Jessica Fletcher Week at the same time! I bet you were worried about how the two would come together - but look! It turned out alright in the end, right? I hope it did! I love Wizards! I love Jessica Fletcher. I hope they can all get along...

Whatever. Enough about me. Prepare yourself for some more brilliant eye-treats!

First up - we've got this saucy drawing by Rob. Rob used to have long hair. Now he doesn't. It was like a magic trick or something. Speaking of magic - look at the Jessica Fletcher (and Magnum PI) that Rob has drawn! I always knew Jessica was a saucy minx but OMG. She's really going for it in this picture. In case you're confused about why the two of them are together, the two shows had a CROSSOVER!!! Amazing! You should watch it. And then swoon about how dreamy everyone is...

Next up - it's Mike! I met Mike at Comiket a few months ago and told him that he looked like someone I know called Mikey. And it turned out his name was Mike! Spooky, eh? But not as spooky as this drawing of Jessica Fletcher! She looks like she's going to solve some spooky murders using her magnifying glass. I'd quite like to see Jessica solve some paranormal cases. Has she ever done that before? I saw an episode of CSI: Miami recently where one of them could talk to ghosts. And what's good enough for CSI: Miami, is good enough for Murder, She Wrote.

Speaking of saucy and spooky, how brilliant is this?! Clearly, the talented and charming Joe Decie and I can agree that Jessica Fletcher is super hot stuff. I especially like her eyebrows in this drawing. And her smirk. That is a very saucy smirk. Jessica to about to say something either very sexy - or she's just seen a dreamboat and she's about to chat him up. Oh! Or maybe she's midway through writing an erotic novel? I mean, writing murder mysteries all the time must get pretty dull, no? Either way - thanks Joe!

So - a little change of pace for Jessica Fletcher Week right now - it's our first poem! This lovely submission was sent in by John. John came to visit me at Thought Bubble with his pals. He has a beard. I don't. It was slightly awkward. But it all worked out fine in the end because we've got this brilliant poem to read. Phew. John also referenced  Miss Marple - who is a brilliant lady detective. Not as good as Jessica Fletcher, but still... Anyways, thank you very much John! I'm sorry that I don't have a beard...but then again, neither does Jessica Fletcher.

Look into my eyes. Look deep into my eyes. You are feeling a lot of love for Jessica Fletcher. I know I am! This hypnotic Jessica Fletcher was sent in by Rob - another gent who attended Thought Bubble. Rob has done an amazing job with this Jessica - especially with the colouring and the background. Also, check out that coat. If that's not a crime-solving coat, then I don't know what is. Great work!

So, we've got a fair few Jessicas from locations around Great Britain - now look at this Jessica, winging it to us from Spain! You might remember that the first ever Jessica was drawn by Juan? Well, he asked some of his pals to get involved - one of them being Juanjo! How amazing! I really like Jessica's happyface whilst she types away. Look at her go. And check out that blouse! What a stunner. I think we can all agree that this typewriter/blouse combo is going to be a big trend next Summer.

Also, I asked Juan to tell me some additional facts about Juanjo and here is what I learnt:
He has a goatee! He is proper drawer! He makes this cute comic! But be warned! There's a bit of no-clothes-action in it! Oh - and Jessica is singing the Murder, She Wrote theme tune (in Spanish). Thank you very much for the drawing, Juanjo!

There's something going on with this next Jessica...but I can't put my finger on it. Drawn by Rob (that's three Robs in one day!) from the Manchester Comix Collective, we can see Jessica Fletcher leaving what looks like a gentleman's toilet! But everything else seems perfectly normal. She's got her hairdo in place. Her crime-solving coat is doing the business. She's holding her magnifying gla-- hang on a minute! That ain't no magnifying glass!

Next up - we've got this lovely Jessica Fletcher sent in by Kyle. Kyle is a sculpty/drawy guy who I met at the Birmingham Zine Festival. Look at the Jessica he sent along - it's a brilliant mix of sweetness and sinisterness. Is that a word? Well, you know what I mean - you've got a very charming Jessica Fletcher but there are blood spatters and she's confessing to murder. In my mind, the only thing that Jessica will ever confess to is being in love with Dr. Mark Sloan from Diagnosis: Murder...

What do we have here? Why, it's a puntastic submission by Ben! Ben came along to Thought Bubble too. He didn't tease me about my no-beard though. Phew. Here we have Jessica solving mysteries from long ago. I'm not sure whether Ben is implying that Jessica is super old or in possession of a time machine - but either way, it's a great drawing. I really like the caveman's face - he looks so confused but you just know he's thinking "PHWOAR! She's a saucy lady." I imagine she's just thinking "Another murder to solve! Yippee!" Maybe we'll never know. Regardless - thank you very much Ben!

Do not adjust your monitor. This may look like one of my drawings from last year... but it is actually a submission from the lovely Clark - one of the ace people behind Thought Bubble! Clark was nice enough to take part in that Draw A Monster thing I did in the Summer. And now he's taking part in Jessica Fletcher Week! What a nice guy! Speaking of nice - if you've never been to Thought Bubble then promise me you'll book a ticket for the next one. It's an amazing comic festival in Leeds. I went for the first time this year and had a brilliant time. But that's praise best saved for a different blog post. Thanks for the drawing Clark! And for Thought Bubble!

Magnifying glass? Check! Coat? Check! Sassy hair? Check! According to my three-point test, we are looking at Jessica Fletcher - as drawn by the delightful Hannah! Hannah is super sassy and she even sent in a Jessica Fletcher last year! Hannah and I used to work together but I haven't seen her in ages. I bet she's still  super lovely though. Thank you very much Hannah!

Wow. After a mammoth number of Fletchers, we're ending with John Allison! We've got a framed picture of a very noble-looking Jessica Fletcher - Cabot Cove's resident murder mystery writer/detective of my dreams. I really like the fact that Jessica is wearing an orange scarf in this drawing - not only because I like orange clothes in drawings, but also because it hides her spooky neck. Also - a scarf is a very practical item of clothing when it's cold (it snowed today!) and Jessica is all about practical clothing. And solving murders. And being ace. Mega thanks John! I will get you a nice bar of chocolate one day.

So...that's Day Three of Jessica Fletcher Week 2010 done. Obviously I hope you've enjoyed it and are dazzled by all the amazing submissions. Day Four and Five will have just as many brilliant Jessica Fletchers though - so don't worry. I've even received a haiku! Mega thanks to everyone who has sent in a Jessica Fletcher - I really appreciate them and all the hard work that has gone into them. One day, I'll pay you back...

1 comment:

  1. ¡Muchas gracias Timothy!
    Firstable sorry for my english, but I try...
    I like your blog very much, it makes me laugh; so when Juan told me to draw a Jessica for "People I know" it was very exciting.
    Don't stop drawing! We kill you if you do... and any Jessica will discover us.

    ¡Un abrazo!
