Friday 24 February 2012

Off The Wall Post!


A few weeks ago, I was on a podcast. It is called Off The Wall Post and is about the internet and social media. You can listen to the episode by clicking this link - although you have to promise not to laugh at me. I didn't realise my voice was Quack quack quack! Except at the start when I try talking with a Dick Van Dyke-accent... Then I just sounded like an idiot.

That's how I roll!

Anyways. So, I talk/quack away about a bunch of things. The lovely Dan, Baz and Kat are in charge of the whole thing and were really lovely. Especially because I'd hardly slept at all - it was a crazy week and I was mostly powered by Mini Eggs.

Listen to the podcast and you will discover:
- what my Dick Van Dyke impression sounds like
- how People I Know started
- what pen I like
- the phrase "cray cray popular"
- how gross my laugh is

But you will also discover other things that aren't about me. Things about QR codes and Google Ads and all sorts of things. If you're interested in the Internet, I would officially recommend subscribing to Off The Wall Post. It is a good way of learning what is going on online and also a good way to have some fun. Plus they have some ace guests in too!

There was an awkward moment (that got cut out) where I had to explain that I didn't have 12,000 Twitter followers, but we won't talk about that.

Before the recording, I had a panic about not having anything to talk I did what I always do during a panic and made a survey! The response was amazing and made me laugh a lot. Thanks to everyone that had a go and I'm sorry that we didn't talk about it on the podcast.

Here are some of my favourite answers:

What does the Internet smell like?
  • "Robots. Possibly the none-too-friendly kind, too..." - Estragon Helmer
  • "Musty cat fur and shame." - Euan
  • "Troll blood, unicorn pee and Eau d'Ordinateur aftershave" from James
  • "The chocolate cake stuck between the letters of my keyboard" from Not Bazza

Do you remember the noise that dial up made during connection? How do you spell that noise?
  • "BrrrrrrBoopBoopBoopBoopReeeooooreeeeooooochchhhhhhhchhhkkkhhhhh" from Rebecca
  • "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-eeee-e-e-e-eeeeeeeeee its like george of the jungle but autotuned" from Corpius
  • "Yes, it gurgled like a turkey. Gluhaaaark-huaarghkl-huraaahuraaghkl-gluh-gluh-klaaaaaghkh-huh-huhkluh-gluh-buhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-kuk" from Krikri
  • "rrr beep beep beep boop beep beep boop...zzzz bmp. weee weee weee weee waoaoaoa ena ena eeee haaaaaa ccccccc ena ena eeeee bmp" from Anna

DAN Acronyms
  • "Delicous Animals Near" from Alma
  • "Do A Noise" from Kat
  • "Dinner at Nando's" from JulieNotLaura

BAZ Acronyms
  • "Boltonians Against Zebras" from Trevor
  • "Brain Adjustment Zone" from James
  • "Bacon Addicts of Zimbabwe" by Bits

KAT Acronyms
  • "Kestral Analysis Team" from Phil
  • "Ketchup and Twin" from Izzy
  • "Not sure but I bet it's dirty." from Seb

Obviously Dan, Baz and Kat aren't really acronyms! They are the names of the Off The Wall Post! Oh how we laughed!

I also did a drawing for the gang! Here it is!

So yeah... that was my first experience of being on a podcast. I hope you enjoy listening to it and I hope I get to do something like it again! Thanks to Dan, Baz and Kat for inviting me along and thanks to everyone that filled in the survey!

In other news, I hope you're enjoying the current Matchmaker storyline. It's back to three updates a week next week... but what a journey we've been on since Valentine's Day! And there will be a survey about the Witch too so we can all vote on her name. Exciting!

IN MORE OTHER NEWS! I have a table at the London Super Comic Con this weekend! It is the first time they have run the event so I'm not sure what to expect (or even what forms I need to bring along) but I hope it all goes well. Come and say hello - I'll be wherever the small press comics are.

Have an ace weekend!

Stay out of trouble

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