Monday 20 February 2012

Witch Alert! today's drawing, the Matchmaking Witch has decided to go on holiday. Don't worry! Someone will take over her Matchmaking business and she'll be back soon enough... but until then, I had a thought!

I was going to give the Witch a name at some point but now I've decided to let you lot get involved too. HOORAY!

If you've got an idea for a short and sassy name for the Witch, please go and leave a comment on this comic. I'll select my favourites in a few days and put them up in a poll. Then, we can all vote for your favourite name and that will be revealed when the Witch returns. Spoilers: She comes back from holiday at some point.

Remember: short and sassy! Short because it saves space and sassy because she's a sassy gal. Her tears today were just because of her inability to find a date for Toby...

IN OTHER NEWS: I hope you're enjoying the Valentine's Matchmaking Story! The twist in the storyline begins tomorrow! TWISTY!!!!

UPDATE! Voting is closed. The witch's name is revealed here!


  1. I can only think of Sasparilla, because it shortens to Sassy!

  2. I was going to suggest Watch - as in Waa-tch, but realised that it reads as Watch - as in Wot-ch.

    So I decided not suggest that.

  3. Foreva Alone

    yeah no, it sucks.

  4. I think she looks like an Emily :)

  5. everyoneelseintheworldlol29 August 2012 at 03:29

    I'll vote for Emily too
